Cirurgiã Dentista | Pós-Doutoranda
Maria Elvira P. Correa
Linhas de Pesquisa
Principais temas em pesquisa: envolvimento oral no tratamento do câncer; efeitos orais tardios do tratamento oncológico, doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro; odontologia hospitalar. Atualmente, gestão em pesquisa clínica.
Pesquisa clínica
Produção Científica
- Índice h = 28
- Índice i10 = 57
- Brazilian dental consensus on dental management in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - Part I - pre-HSCT. Correa MEP, Granzotto FCN, Innocentini LMAR, Reis TC, de Lima EM, Varanda RF, Santos PSDS, Junior LAVS, Bezinelli LM, Eduardo FP, Melo WR, Antunes HS, De Macedo LD. Hematol Transfus Cell Ther. Jul-Sep;45(3):358-367, 2023
- MASCC/ISOO clinical practice guidelines for the management of mucositis secondary to cancer therapy. Sharon Elad, Karis Kin Fong Cheng, Rajesh V Lalla, Noam Yarom, Catherine Hong, Richard M Logan, Joanne Bowen, Rachel Gibson, Deborah P Saunders, Yehuda Zadik, Anura Ariyawardana, Maria Elvira Correa, et al., Cancer 126 (19), 4423-4431, 2020.
- Systematic review of oral cryotherapy for the management of oral mucositis in cancer patients and clinical practice guidelines. MEP Correa, KKF Cheng, K Chiang, A Kandwal, CL Loprinzi, T Mori, et al., Supportive Care in Cancer 28, 2449-2456, 2013.
- Oral shedding of CMV and HSV‐1 in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients.Andre. LF Costa, Bruna A Santos, Vinicius R Torregrossa, Eliana CM Miranda, Afonso C Vigorito, Michelle Palmieri, Ana LF Ricardo, Dmitry JS Sarmento, Ana C Mamana, Tania R Tozetto‐Mendoza, M Elvira P Correa, Paulo H Braz‐Silva. Oral Diseases 27 (6), 1572-1579, 2021.
- Dentoalveolar procedures in immune thrombocytopenia; systematic review and an institutional guideline. WEM van Dijk, RJJ van Es, MEP Correa, REG Schutgens, KPM van Galen. TH Open 5 (04), e489-e502, 2021.
- Clinical Metabolomics Identifies Blood Serum Branched Chain Amino Acids as Potential Predictive Biomarkers for Chronic Graft vs. Host Disease. Alborghetti MR, Correa MEP, Whangbo J, Shi X, Aricetti JA, da Silva AA, Miranda ECM, Sforca ML, Caldana C, Gerszten RE, Ritz J, Zeri ACM., 2019
- Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of the disc morphology of temporomandibular joint in patients with severe hemophilia. LAP de Oliveira, JPP Gomes, LR Pimentel-Silva, SLP de Castro Lopes, M.Elvira P Correa et al., Oral Radiology 39 (4), 759-765, 2023.
- Salivary BPIFA proteins are altered in patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation. LMAR Innocentini, AA Silva, MA Carvalho, RD Coletta, MEP Corrêa, Oral diseases 28 (4), 1279-1288, 2022
- Post-allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) changes in inorganic salivary components. Boer CC, Correa ME, Tenuta LM, Souza CA, Vigorito AC.Support Care Cancer. Sep;23(9):2561-7, 2015.
- Oral complications of hematopoietic cell transplantation. MM Schubert, MEP Correa, DE Peterson. Thomas’ hematopoietic cell transplantation: stem cell transplantation. vol(1) pg1242-1258, 2015
- The Presence of CMV and HSV-1 Reactivation in Saliva May Play a Role in the Oral Mucositis Severity. Bruna Alves, Vinicius R Torregrossa, Paulo H Braz-Silva, Eliana CM Miranda, Michelli Palmieri, Tania R Tozetto-Mendoza, Maria Elvira P Correa.
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 23 (3), S266, 2021.
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